After painstakingly getting it in sync with a track I was working on, I quickly realised I needed a template to avoid going to that trouble again.
And so, in collaboration with my lovely designer partner, in super high res and released under creative commons, I have some Space Echo Templates to present:
- JPEG - No Knobs (for printing and hand drawing)
- PSD - Rotating Knobs as layers (anyone who wants to convert these to flash/HTML5 is welcome!)
- JPEG - Knobs Zero'd
Enjoy, space echo users!
Roland RE-201 Space Echo Template by Jingston Chuarchitects is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
thanks for these!
ReplyDeleteI just bought an RE-201 and thank you for this. I'll try to find the time to convert to HTML 5 and let oyu know. Thanks again.